We are a creative homeschooling family of 3. I have homeschooled my 2 boys from the start and we do lots of unit studies and get out into our beautiful part of the world as often as we can.
As the boys are getting older and we are getting busier I find I am posting less about our journey but will continue to update occasionally.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Alphabet Walk

On our walk today Mr5 wanted to find something that started with every letter of the alphabet-
and he wants to share them here-

A- Adaptation- this tree is growing such an Angle
because of the floods that regularly cover this area.

B- Boys- in the river on a Beautiful day.

C- Cliff- the towering cliffs that hide in the fog in the mornings.

D- Dogs- swimming in the river

E- Eucalyptus Tree

F- Flower- Thistle flowering, I love the colour

G- Grid- the cattle grid to stop the horses and cows from going onto the road


I- Island in the middle of the river,
where little boys love to explore and search for burried treasure.

J- Joy- the joy of boys in dirt!

Kaos- the Kaos of nature

L- Love and Loyalty 2 boys and 2 dogs totally devoted to each other

M- Mr5 found a Mussel (now known as Russel the Mussel)

N- Naturally naked- but you just have to imagine a little boy frolicking in the river here

O- Outside in the open air

P- Perserverance- there used to be a whole group of these callistemons, but each flood there are less and less- this one is all on its own now.

Q- Quiet, peaceful and calm

R- Ramp, for the boats to get into the River

S- Sugarcane

T- Tractor

U- Underwater rocks

V- Vines- creating perfect hide outs

W- Water

X- noXious fish sign

We were a bit stumped for the last 2,
untill our lovely Rockpool friend Sarah helped out with some suggestions- thankyou Sarah-

Y- Yahooing whilst Z- Zooming up the hill


Catherine (Alecat Music) said...

Thank you for sharing your lovely photos, and a very creative alphabet post!

Tan Family said...

This is one of our favorite games to play in the car! X, Y and Z can be tricky. I love all of your pictures. Thank you for taking the time to share all of them!