Thank you, Alecat, for passing the Honest Scrap Award on to me. I would love to drop in on you one day and have that cuppa. I am very honoured you are enjoying my blog, I am enjoying writing it as well.
To keep this award, there are some rules by which I (and future recipients) must abide:
1) Say thanks and give a link to the presenter of the award.
2) Share "ten honest things" about myself.
3) Present this award to 7 others whose blogs I find brilliant in content and/or design, or those who have encouraged me.
4) Tell those 7 people that they've been awarded HONEST SCRAP and inform them of these guidelines in receiving it.
So - 10 honest things about myself.
~ I never wanted to be a mother- ever. I grew up in an area with lots of unmarried teenage mothers and decided at a very young age that was not the life for me. I recall going home to visit my Mum at 16, I had moved to the city and started a traineeship- I bumped into a fiends sister, who asked me if I had something wrong with me as I didn't have any children!
~ Even though I had decided not to be a Mum, I also decided when I was at school, that if I ever did have kids, I would not send them to school and I would homeschool. I didn't know anyone who homeschooled then, but I felt school was not right for me or my friends and family at that time.
~ DH and I had many years together, just as a couple and I am very thankful for that time. We did a lot of travelling and working and discovering who we were. We travelled around Australia with our dog Ari, who was a doberman. We left in a combi van and bought a bus on our travels and lived on the road for a few years.
~ As I was nearing 30 my body clock kicked in and changed the way I felt about having a child- and it became very insistent!
~ The day I birthed my firstborn son was the best day of my life. I loved being pregnant, I loved the transformation from girl (yes I was still a girl at 30) to woman and mother. I loved my birth, the labour, the ups and downs, the feeling of being a chain in a long link o mothers all sitting behind me and lending me the strength, it was a beautiful team effort between me, my darling husband and our beautiful baby boy.
~ I love being a mother! I think conscious mothering is the greatest challenge of my life and the greatest honour and the greatest reward.
~ I love homeschooling and am happy to have the boys at home as long as they want to be here. I love the close relationships we all have in our family. The way the boys take control of what they are learning and are enthusiastic learners. I love the ifference between them and their school friends.
~ My husband and I have been together 21 years next month, married for 14. We were kids when we met and now our older son is starting to think of girlfriends.
~ I belong to a wonderful womens group called the Purple Tent. It is a lovely safe space for us all to be together and share deep things if we need or want to. We also have lots of fun and offer each other great support. I really must get a gathering organised soon.
~ Dh is almost finished his 4 year degree in forestry and we will most likely be moving some time soon. it is a bit scary to be leaving our community here but I am keen for a new adventure.
I would like to share this award with some of my favourite bloggers- and am looking forward to reading their replies.
Lisa at 5 Orange Potatoes
Therese at Earth and Living
The Magic Onions
The gorgeous Artemis of the Eucalypts at Slightly Unconventional Puple Pathways
Livy's lovely A Field Journal
Anne with her Loopity Lou
Sandra and Frederike! at herzenart journal