We are a creative homeschooling family of 3. I have homeschooled my 2 boys from the start and we do lots of unit studies and get out into our beautiful part of the world as often as we can.
As the boys are getting older and we are getting busier I find I am posting less about our journey but will continue to update occasionally.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Mr5 is turning 6

So I have been making him some dress ups-

A Viking Helmet-

I used mod wrap a plaster impregnated bandage but was not overly impressed so I reverted to good old paper mache

and a hooded cloak

with a tunic

These are all works in progress, I have a few more days to finish them off.

1 comment:

Catherine (Alecat Music) said...

That's looking fabulous!!
What a wonderful gift for your son. :)