We are a creative homeschooling family of 3. I have homeschooled my 2 boys from the start and we do lots of unit studies and get out into our beautiful part of the world as often as we can.
As the boys are getting older and we are getting busier I find I am posting less about our journey but will continue to update occasionally.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Sale was a lovely surprise
We found the Sale common wildlife reserve
and the extensive wetlands walks,
It was beautiful,
Mr7 said it was like we were explorers,
we noticed the little water plants,
and the river gums, the bird life was amazing and we saw many young waterbirds.
We also enjoyed the Sale Botanic Gardens,
and the boys loved the park,
with cute little mushrooms,
lovely autumn trees,
We found a wild bee hive,
and met a very handsome peacock in the vegetable garden.
The boys found another flying fox,

Mr12 loved the spinning egg, and enjoying all the park toys that I used to do when I was a kid.
The Port of Sale,
and we found an engineering marvel,Mr12 loves bridges and this one was a swinging bridge,
it pivots in the centre and used to let the paddle steamers through.

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