so am going to take inspiration from the lovely and talented Alecat :-)
My poor younger brother
had to put up with a very dominant big sister.
2. Mum worked 12 hours a day
and we were a single parent family.
3. The school I attended for high school
was a total waste of time,
and I decided in year 8
that if I ever had children of my own
I would homeschool them.
4. I would love to do a Bachelor of Arts
but don't know if I could manage a degree,
my family and the kids homeschooling.
5. I am going to get a nice young male doberman
one day in the next few years
and train him in obedience and trial him and show him.
I would love to breed them
if I can find some as nice as my beloved old dog- Ari-
6. I am passionate about food and cooking
delicious healthy meals for my family and friends.
7. I feel so lucky and blessed
to be living my life, living in my home with my family
and living with the freedom to live our lives the way we want to.
I'd like to pass this award on to some amazing creative blogs
I have been gathering inspiration from in the wonderful world of blog
that lets me roam the globe at will.
I urge you all to go and have a look at what they are up to:
- Moon Bindery
- Sukipoet at paint, poems and ponderings
- Elisa at dreams between the worlds
- Dianne at Intuitive Painting
- Windbag and Thunder
- Jessica I have been living on your blog of late
gleaning lots of wonderful ideas
for the art history unit
the boys and I are doing at the moment
- Art Smarts 4 kids
- And one of my favourite places to visit,
I can't help but give another award to
the wonderful 5 Orange Potatoes